
An integrated system for managing send-aways and requests sent to you as a reference lab.

Integrated System

  • Use existing request and report messages from your LIS.
  • Configure the external labs that you have a relationship with.
  • Generate a pick list of specimens to send away.
  • Receive results via a lab*Net interface to your LIS.

Specimen Dispatch

  • Add authorisation step to expensive and esoteric requests.
  • Add additional requirements for specific tests.
  • Generate a Manifest for each physical send away box to be included in the box.

Specimen Reception

  • Receive specimen boxes from other lab*Net sites.
  • Confirm receipt of each specimen and automatically generate the request to send to your LIS.
  • Track partner lab and request usage.

Track Delayed Results

  • Receive warnings about delayed results.
  • Record communication with reference lab about delayed results.
  • Add grace period to expected results.